The search for the best homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment in Mumbai, India, is rising. With an experience of over 24 years, Dr. Mehta is an expert homeopath for acid reflux, and gas problem. Dr. Mehta’s Standard homeopathy clinic is popular in Andheri and Parle areas for treating indigestion, heartburn, gas, etc. Many patients visit Dr. Mehta’s homeopathic clinic in Mumbai to cure stomach ulcer & GERD.

Customized homeopathic medicines can relieve or cure digestive problems from the roots. Absence of any toxic side-effects make these medicines more acceptable. They are very effective in improving your digestive health. 

Dr. Mehta is reputed in giving customized homeopathic medicine for gut health. At his homeopathic clinic in India, you also get consultation for diet & lifestyle changes to cure acid-reflux. 

Get treated from the best homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment in Mumbai, India. 

Know more about the different types and triggers of GERD and witness how nicely a homeopath treats your acid-reflux

Homeopathy doctor for Acidity treatment

homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment in Mumbai
Dr. Chintan Mehta treating acid reflux in his clinic in Andheri.

Find a homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment in Mumbai

Many patients want to find a good homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment in Mumbai, India. It helps to overcome the effects of stress and irregular eating habits. It is proving an effective therapy to cure gas, bloating and heartburn.

Alternative medicines have the potential to sooth the intense suffering of a digestive problem. An intense search is made to find good medications for gas and bloating. Google and Amazon are full of such health products to improve your digestion & gut health. 

With the desire to get something natural and holistic, you may tend to use herbal products. When a patients realize the limitations of OTC products, they wisely opt to find an expert homeopath for acid reflux. 

Effectiveness of homeopathic treatment in acidity 

People in India are experiencing the efficacy of AYUSH system of medicine. While the use of Ayurvedic herbs is popular in India, homeopathic medicines are fast gaining popularity. A big reason is an absence of side effects in these medications. It assures a safer therapy with many health benefits. 

Literature is full of excellent homeopathic medicines to cure digestive problems. It has several medicines to get relief from gas, bloating, acid-reflux and pain.

Hence, it encourages people to find a good homeopathy doctor for acidity in Mumbai. 

Dr. Mehta is a qualified expert, registered homeopath with the NCH in India. He treats many types of gut problems in his clinic in Andheri.

Search an expert doctor for gas and acidity treatment in India

Searching an expert doctor for gas and acid reflux has become the need of the hour in India. Finding a gastro clinic for heartburn and GERD is trending. It is best to correct these symptoms as they are early signals of a major illness like: –  

  1. Ulcer in the stomach or duodenum
  2. Colitis or ulcers in the intestines 
  3. Pancreas problem like pancreatitis 
  4. Fatty liver or gall stones 
  5. Heart problem like block in the blood vessels 

Hence it is prudent to find a professional to treat gas and GERD in India.

Why take medicines for acid reflux after consulting a doctor

For gas and acid reflux few practices are very common in Indian patients: –  

1. buying herbal medicines from the internet

2. churans from a pharmacy  

3. consume ayurvedic medicines on their own. 

Examples – 

1. Taking Kayam Churan for indigestion is very popular in India. 

2. Using castor oil or ‘harde’ tablets to clear bowels is a traditional practice in India. 

Such practices are encouraged by elders in many Indian families. Some family physicians also recommend using these to get a clear gut.   

Self-medication in acidity treatment

Experts recommend finding a professional for gut health over self-medication.

A professional will help you find the cause of bloating and heartburn. The line of treatment will depend on what you have – a gall stone, GERD or stomach ulcers. Diseases like cancer, if diagnosed early can have better treatment outcomes. 

So, it is recommended by health experts to first diagnose your problem. A good gastroenterologist or a homeopath can help you with this. Your problems can later be treated under an experienced alternative medicine specialist.  

It is better to search for a good homeopath near me for indigestion and gas problems.

Why search a homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment

Patients search a homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment for many reasons: –

  1. gas
  2. heartburn 
  3. indigestion
  4. chest tightness
  5. Some turn to a homeopath after trying other treatments.

A good number of them search for Dr. Mehta’s homeopathic clinic in Mumbai in Andheri and Parle.

Benefit of consulting a qualified homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment

A homeopath is qualified to treat ulcers, IBS, gastric ulcers, GERD etc. Homeopathic medicines taken after consulting a professional has no toxic effects. These medicines can treat acid reflux and heartburn from the roots.

An experienced homeopath can also help you with a proper diagnosis of the complains. 

For this reason, searching a professional homeopath near me is a safe choice for gas, bloating & GERD. 

Diagnosis of acidity

Dr. Mehta is an expert homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment in Mumbai, India. He lays much emphasis on its diagnosis. In his clinic in Andheri. He will arrive at its diagnosis in 3 steps –

Listening to your complaints – A good homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment will carefully listen to your symptoms. He may ask you some questions like: –

  1. What are the different symptoms you have?
  2. Where exactly is the burning or abnormal sensation present
  3. When are the symptoms coming, increasing, or decreasing?
  4. Does pain have any relation to food?

Examining the belly – A professional homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment must examine the entire patient. Examination of the abdomen includes –

Taking an outer look at the abdomen – It is important to know the shape of the abdomen, the presence of scars, swelling, etc.

Palpating the abdomen – A physician may get a feel of the inner organs like liver by palpating. 

Striking the abdomen with a finger – A good clinician will also check for presence of any abnormal sound in the stomach. It is done to check for accumulation of any gas or some swelling.

  1. If your stomach is filled with gas, it gives the sound of a drum.
  2. If there is constipation, a dull sound is produced.

Auscultation of the abdomen – A clinician may also use a stethoscope to check for any sounds in your bowels. He listens for any abnormality in your stomach, intestines or blood vessels. 

  • Example – If a patient has absolute constipation, no sounds can be heard in the stethoscope. 

Investigation reports – Forward any investigation reports you have. If checked by a gastroenterologist, present his notes to the treating homeopath. In the clinic you may be advised to get other investigations for gas and heartburn. 

Investigations advised by a homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment

The best homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment will always want to investigate your case. Some investigations we suggest at Dr. Mehta’s homeopathic clinic in Andheri are: –  

  1. Blood and stool examination: – It is a basic check-up but very good to detect any abnormality.
  2. USG: – It is advised by a good homeopath if you have persistent pain, bloating, or swelling. It helps to diagnose hiatus hernia, gas in stomach, block in the intestines, etc.
  3. Gastro-duodenoscopy: – It is a very useful and advanced investigation. As a homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment in Mumbai, India, Dr. Mehta advises it in a few cases. A gastroenterologist performs the endoscopy procedure. It helps to see the inner lining of the upper digestive tract. It is useful if there are symptoms of an ulcer in the stomach or duodenum. It is a primary test to know for the presence of a tumor or cancer.
  4. pH monitoring: – The test is useful in GERD. It shows the pH value of the contents entering the food pipe from the stomach.
  5. Esophageal manometry: – It helps in diagnosing diseases of the esophagus like achalasia cardia.
  6. Barium meal X-ray: – This test also detects the presence of any disease in the food pipe or the stomach. 

Stress, GERD and homeopathic treatments

Stress plays a major role in deciding the homeopathic medicine for acid reflux and GERD. Stress stimulates the nerves in our brain and releases some chemicals. These chemicals increase the production of acid in your stomach. 

In a city like Mumbai where stress is high, homeopathy can come as a blessing to patients. It helps a lot to deal with your anxiety and tension. As an expert homeopath for gut problems, Dr. Mehta gives huge importance to the stresses you have. This makes his approach unique in treating gastro-intestinal diseases. Some emotions in acid reflux and GERD that can be holistically resolved are: –

  • Over thinking,
  • Family anxiety,
  • Business worry,
  • Anger, Rage,
  • Insults

Share your emotional state, during the interview with our consultant homeopath in India. It will help you get a unique medicine that suits your nature and is good for your health. This is must to find a holistic solution to cure your digestive problems. It not only improves gut health but can also empower you to manage stress in a better way.

Example 1 – A patient has a stressful job. He craves spicy food but also takes good care of his health. To deal with stress he starts smoking which he wants to quit. Such a patient can be helped with homeopathic remedies like Merc. sol, Nux vomica, Aloes, etc.

Example 2 – A patient is very restless but mild, friendly, but a little fearful. He loves to eat ice cream. He may need homeopathic medicines for GERD like Phosphorus.

Triggers of acidity

Convey to our homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment in Mumbai, what triggers your symptoms. Few triggers we found in patients who have taken consultation at Dr. Mehta’s homeopathic clinic in Andheri are:-

  1. Irregular lifestyle
  2. Spicy food
  3. Food rich in oil and fat
  4. Eating heavy meals late at night
  5. Loss of sleep
  6. Lying down on the back immediately after dinner or lunch
  7. Overeating or fasting
  8. Smoking

Diseases which cause GERD & their management

As per doctors, heartburn and indigestion are symptoms of GERD, hiatus hernia, ulcer etc. The pattern of symptoms indicates which organ is affected. It could be the food pipe, stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver, or your gall bladder. 

At Dr. Mehta’s homeopathic clinic in Andheri, we treat and cure many such diseases.

In many conditions, medicine gives relief to the patient. There are cases where a remedy will even cure your digestive problem. The treatment outcome depends on the nature of illness and your susceptibility.  

GERD treatment

GERD is also called acid reflux disease or gastro-esophageal reflux disease. It occurs due to a laxity of the valve which guards your food pipe. Due to this, the stomach contents regurgitate into your food pipe. So as a patient, you experience burping, regurgitation, heartburn, gas, and bloating. Pain in the chest is felt when lying down or sleeping in a case of GERD. As a homeopathy doctor in Andheri, Dr. Mehta specializes in treating GERD.  

Hiatus hernia treatment

Regurgitation of food and heartburn are prominent symptoms of a hiatus hernia. In a hiatus hernia, a part of your stomach enters the chest cavity. At Dr. Mehta’s homeopathic clinic in Andheri, you get a non-surgical treatment for hernia. Homeopathic medicines help give you relief from heartburn and regurgitation.

Gastritis treatment

Inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach is called gastritis. This disease irritates the stomach increasing the acid secretion. Homeopathic medicines for gastritis are very effective when prescribed after matching patient’s symptoms. For gastritis, it is highly recommended to consult an expert homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment at the earliest.

Stomach ulcer

A patient of with stomach ulcer will want to search a homeopathic clinic near me for heartburn and indigestion. Patient feels severe burning pain or heaviness in the belly and chest. 

A patient having gastric ulcer will say the following to a homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment – ‘I am afraid to eat food as it brings pain in my belly’. Hence, they have a weight loss problem when they consult at Dr. Mehta’s clinic in Mumbai, India

The pain of a stomach ulcer is better by taking antacids. While antacids may give a temporary relief, homeopathic remedies are used for chronic cases.

Duodenal ulcer

Patient with duodenal ulcer will visit a homeopathy doctor for acidity in Mumbai, India, with heartburn. Symptoms start a few hours after food. The pain in stomach occurs when the stomach is empty. Hence these pains are also called ‘hunger pains’. To our homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment, a patient with duodenal ulcer will describe his symptoms as

‘I get pain if I don’t eat food. So, I keep nibbling food every few hours and don’t remain hungry.’  

Eating food relieves the pain of a duodenal ulcer. Such patients love to eat food. So these patients gain weight and can develop obesity. Such cases have done well after consulting at Dr. Mehta’s homeopathic clinic in Andheri, Mumbai.

Gall bladder stone treatment in homeopathy

In gall bladder stone a patient consults homeopathy doctor for acidity in Mumbai, with gas and bloating. Eating oily food, fatty food, cheese, paneer, butter, red meat, etc. cause heartburn and pain. Other symptoms of gall stone reported at Dr. Mehta’s homeopathic clinic in India are: –

  • A heavy, bloated feeling comes after eating.
  • Burping and indigestion
  • Pain in the right upper abdomen or under the ribs

Homeopathic medicines can treat gall stone symptoms without surgery. It is a very cost-effective way of getting relief in belly pain and bloating. 


In pancreatitis there is severe inflammation of the pancreas. Gall stone and alcohol and are 2 common causes of inflaming the pancreas. Following symptoms suggest a diagnosis of pancreatitis.

  • Pain in upper part of stomach.
  • Pain in the belly radiates to the back
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Loss of weight occurs in long lasting cases.

Seek help from an expert homeopathy doctor for acidity in Mumbai, India, if you have frequent pain from pancreatitis.  

Stomach cancer treatment

If a patient has belly pain or heartburn with weight loss, a diagnosis of stomach cancer is possible. In stomach cancer, the role of homeopathic treatment is to relieve symptoms. At Dr. Mehta’s Standard Homeopathy clinic in Mumbai, India, we aim to improve the quality of life in a patient with cancer.

Get non-surgical treatment for your acid reflux

Acidity symptoms treated at Dr. Mehta's homeopathic clinic

Patients consult Dr. Chintan Mehta at his homeopathic clinic in Mumbai, India, for the following symptoms: –

  1. Pain in the stomach after eating or when not eating.
  2. Burning in stomach and chest
  3. Tightness in the stomach
  4. Gas and bloating
  5. Burping
  6. Heartburn
  7. Vomiting of food or mucus.
  8. Indigestion
  9. Sour eructation or regurgitation

Can acidity be cured with homeopathic medicine?

The outcome of treating with homeopathic medicine for acidity depends on following factors: – 

  1. Age – A young person with heartburn and indigestion responds better.
  2.  Cause of your symptoms – Few diseases can be cured. Gastritis, ulcer, etc. respond well to medicines. In cancer & hiatus hernia, aim is to give relief.
  3. Nature of patient – Patient with anxiety and worry tend to get more digestive issues. Compared to other systems, homeopathic medicines benefit such patients more.
  4. Use of other medications can also modify the treatment outcome.
  5. Choice of medicine – Choice of medicine matters a lot in homeopathic therapy. How good is the homeopath matters. Also, it is important to share your case properly with the treating homeopath.

Systemic diseases associated with acid reflux and heartburn

An expert homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment, will also study other health issues you have. Some of the problems associated with GERD are: –

  1. Headache or migraine – Migraine headache is a very common cause of heartburn and vomiting. Many patients who consult at the clinic for migraine also have these symptoms. Such headaches are relieved by vomiting.
  2. Gas and constipation – Symptoms of constipation and gas can be present with bloating and burping. All these are symptoms of indigestion and a poor function of digestive system.
  3. IBS – IBS causes tightness in the abdomen, bloating, & constipation. You get best treatment for IBS with heartburn and gas at the homeopathic clinic in Mumbai.
  4. GERD – GERD is always associated with regurgitation, heartburn and gas. It can cause severe burning in the chest and stomach region. Burping is also common.
  5. Diabetes and hypertension – Diabetes can affect the nerves of the stomach. This can cause GERD, gas and indigestion. Homeopathic medicines can give relief to such patients with acid reflux disease and diabetes.
  6. Depression and Anxiety – Overthinking can cause or increase indigestion and heartburn. Homeopathic medicine is the best alternative for a holistic therapy of your depression and anxiety. 

Get the best medication for GERD and bloating at Dr. Mehta’s homeopathic clinic in India.

Acidity treatment with homeopathic medicines

Few popular homeopathic medicines for acidity and GERD are: – Abies Can, Abies nigra, Cinchona, Nux vomica, Lycopodium, Hydrastis, Robinia, Acid Sulph, Arsenic alb, etc.  

This is a brief list from a group of more than 51 homeopathic medicines for acid reflux, gas and heartburn. Each remedy has unique indications suitable to patients with a certain personality type. The aim of a homeopath is to select a proper medicine that matches your constitution. The more the medicine matches you and your symptoms, the better are the results.

Dr. Mehta is an expert homeopath in finding a similar medicine that matches your case. This makes him the best homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment in Mumbai, India. 

Get holistic therapy for heartburn and gas

Why Standard Homeopathy Clinic for acidity treatment

Lifestyle measures for acidity treatment

At Dr. Mehta’s homeopathic clinic in Mumbai, we also recommend few lifestyle measures to treat acidity. A few lifestyle habits we found beneficial to patients with gas, ulcers and heartburn are as follows: –

Diet for stomach problems.

  1. Eat bland food when you have a gastric ulcer or gastritis.
  2. Don’t remain hungry for long if you have a duodenal ulcer. Do binge eating.
  3. If you have GERD sleep in a head high position.
  4. Lie down on your right side for a few minutes after meals.

Food to avoid for heartburn & bloating

  1. Avoid fried, oily and fatty food.
  2. Have your dinner early and a little lighter
  3. We, at Dr. Mehta’s homeopathic clinic in Andheri, recommend our patients to avoid overeating. 
  4. Stay away from foods that trigger your acid-reflux and bloating.

Lifestyle changes

  1. Don’t do heavy exercises immediately after eating.
  2. Keep your lunch and dinner time fixed.
  3. Do breathing exercises over an empty stomach only.
  4. If you have GERD, don’t do heavy exercise. It will increase the pressure in your belly thereby worsen acid-reflux.  
  5. As a homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment in Mumbai, we recommend gentle breathing exercises. It helps to calm down your anxiety.
  6. Go for a short walk after food. 
  7. Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and carbonated beverages. 
  8. Quit smoking.

Acidity treatment at Standard Homeopathy clinic

At Dr. Mehta’s Standard homeopathy clinic in Mumbai, we aim to treat you in the best way. To achieve this, we follow a recommended protocol. This is done as follows: –

1. Diagnosis of your symptoms

After listening to your symptoms, we first help in its diagnosis. This throws some light on the cause of your gas, bloating, and heartburn.

2. Homeopathic medicines for your symptoms

After receiving your case we select the best suitable homeopathic medicine for your complaints. The specialty of our homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment in Mumbai is in selecting customized medicines. This helps to treat your indigestion effectively from the roots.

3. Customized diet and lifestyle changes  

At Dr. Mehta’s clinic in Andheri, we recommend customized diet and lifestyle changes to our patients. It goes a long way for maintaining a good gut health. We suggest changes based on your constitution and body type.   

When to consult a homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment

A patient can consult our homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment in Mumbai, India, for symptoms like: –  

  1. Heartburn, regurgitation, hunger pains
  2. Burning after eating food
  3. Ulcer pain
  4. Inability to eat food from fear of pain,
  5. Indigestion and gas
  6. Anxiety and fear with ulcer
  7. Constipation or IBS with GERD
  8. Migraine or headache with heartburn and vomiting
  9. Depression, thyroid problem, or diabetes

Consult best homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment in Mumbai

You can easily get best acidity treatment from our homeopathy doctor in Mumbai, India. You can start treatment at Dr. Mehta’s Standard homeopathic clinic in two ways –

Consult in person with Dr. Mehta in Mumbai clinic –

It is advisable for patients: –

  • Who stay in Andheri, Parle, Santacruz, or nearby areas.
  • Who stay in Mumbai or near the cities of Thane and Navi Mumbai – Such patients can first consult in the clinic and later follow up by online video consultation.

Online consultation with Dr. Mehta

For online consultation with Dr. Mehta for your indigestion and heartburn, you need to book an appointment. At the scheduled time give a video call on WhatsApp or Skype or Zoom and consult online. Give your case details to the homeopath while sitting in the comforts of your home. You can also follow-up with the homeopathy doctor for acidity treatment over a video call. Advisable if –

  • you live out of Mumbai or India
  • you live in or near Mumbai but cannot visit the clinic.

Watchword – A patient of heartburn and bloating must know that the diagnosis of symptoms is also necessary. So do not neglect this aspect and undergo necessary investigations without any bias. Mostly a clinical history is enough. But at times investigations are required.

Acidity treatment testimonials & reviews

Got excellent homeopathic medicine for acidity and acid reflux at Dr. Mehta’s Standard Homeopathy Clinic. now I have much relief in my acidity gas and heartburn problem after taking homeopathic medicines from him. Almost cured my acidity and GERD with the homeopathic treatment given by Dr. Mehta sir. Extremely satisfied and highly recommended
Acidity gallstone treatment in homeopathy review by patient
Nishita Bhatt
Mumbai, India
I have consulted Dr. Chintan Mehta for my digestive issue. I was suffering from IBS and had symptoms such as a lot of abdominal discomfort, a lot of bloating, and gut and digestive issues. With his treatment, my IBS is cured and healed. I will highly recommend Dr. Chintan.
IBS patient treated with homeopathy at Dr. Mehta's clinic in Mumbai
Hardik Sanghavi
IT professional, India

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