If you want to start warts treatment in homeopathy, consult Dr. Mehta in Mumbai, India. Homeopathic treatment is very effective in removing a wart from the roots. Even skin specialists in Mumbai recommend a homeopathy doctor for warts treatment. A person who wants to cure a wart without side effects, will always search for the best homeopathic clinic for skin nearby. 

Warts treatment in homeopathy

Patients who do not find a homeopathic clinic, tend to burn a wart or go for surgery. However, often the growths recur after laser removal and surgery. Home remedies are tried but in vain. Ultimately, most patients will consult the best homeopathy doctor for warts treatment. The hope is to find a cure for a wart and get clear skin naturally.

Dr. Chintan Mehta is a popular homeopathy doctor in Mumbai for skin care & holistic health. He has an experience of over 24 years in treating dermatology problems. He treats several health issues like psoriasis, IBS, anxiety, PCOD, & arthritis at Standard Homeopathy Clinic in Mumbai. For a patient who wants warts treatment in homeopathy, Dr. Mehta is the go-to homeopath in Mumbai, India.

Benefits of warts treatment in homeopathy

  1. Can remove warty growths without surgery or laser
  2. Does not leave scars since no blade or laser is used.
  3. Only internal medicines are given. Few homeopaths do use external creams. But a good homeopathy doctor will treat a wart using internal medicines only.
  4. Has the potential to cure some skin problems from the root
  5. The chance of recurrence of a wart is minimal once cured with a homeopathic medicine.

Why find the best homeopathy doctor for warts treatment

Patients want to find the best homeopathy doctor for warts treatment for the following reasons: –

  1. Tired of not getting satisfactory results with another line of therapy
  2. Home remedies not working
  3. Outgrowths keep recurring
  4. Warty outgrowths keep spreading to other areas of the skin
  5. The skin becomes a source of public embarrassment
  6. Good awareness of the effects of homeopathic medicines to cure a wart.
  7. Many positive results seen in homeopathic clinics in Mumbai, India
  8. Many medicines in the homeopathic literature for treating a wart in various areas of the skin.

Warts treatment by dermatologists in Mumbai

Unlike homeopathic skin specialists, dermatologists believe wart is an incurable disease. The main line of therapy given by many good dermatologists in Mumbai is: –

  • Cryosurgery or freezing therapy
  • Medicines with Salicylic acid and 5-fluorouracil
  • Injecting a Candida antigen

Surgery and conventional therapies to treat a wart

Burning a warty growth or removing it with a laser has the following outcomes: –

  1. Removal of the growth from that particular area. It can be temporary or permanent.
  2. It can leave scars
  3. Lesions tend to recur even after removal

Hence a good dermatologist will say that this skin disease can be treated but not cured. Many prefer to wait for 2 years hoping it will disappear on its own.

Use of a warts treatment cream

Be it Mumbai, Bangalore, or Chennai, patients want a cream to cure skin problems. This is especially true in the case of a wart on the genitals, face, neck, fingers, etc.

Thuja cream for wart

A homeopathic remedy called Thuja occidentalis is very popular for treating a wart. Many doctors and homeopaths promote using a skin cream based on Thuja or other medicine. The literature also mentions indications of Thuja to cure warty growths. But using a cream is not the right way to cure any wart.

Using internal homeopathic medicines, be it Thuja or anything else, is a safer way to cure. External creams are not recommended by best homeopathic doctors in Mumbai & India.

It is best to first consult a professional homeopathy doctor for warts treatment. This proves more rewarding in the long run than a cream.

Best medicines for warts treatment in homeopathy

There are many good homeopathic medicines to treat warty growths. From mother tinctures and pills to creams, the list is long. Customized medicines have proved to be the best to cure a wart. Yet the use of specific remedies and mother tinctures is high in Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore.

Specific warts treatment in homeopathy

Many homeopathic doctors in India rely on specific medicines for warty growths. A remedy is selected based on the location of the growth and just a few symptoms. 

Some homeopaths in Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Lucknow, etc prescribe multiple homeopathic remedies. Mother tinctures are prescribed. In places like Bihar, Bhopal, Indore, etc the practice of giving creams is rampant. This is not the right way to practice in a homeopathic clinic. It is not the ideal homeopathic way to cure a wart. Cure must be done by following the principles listed in the literature. 

Homeopathic medicines for wart

Here is a list of some specific medicines used in homeopathic clinics in India to treat a wart.

Nitric acid – It is good for a wart that bleeds.

Rhus tox and Petroleum – They are good remedies when there is severe burning in the growth.

Thuja and Lycopodium – These are the main medicines for warty growths that have cracks and fissures.

Again the remedy will change as per the type of growth. So there are specific remedies for a wart on the face, neck, genitals, anus, hands and feet.  Choosing the right remedy in the required potency is important. Hence one must find a proper homeopathic clinic for skin problems.

Best homeopathic medicine for verruca

Specific medicines may prove useful in some cases, but not all. The selection of the best medicine for warts treatment in homeopathy depends on many other factors. A good homeopath will also use these other parameters to prescribe. It helps you get a individualized medication based on your constitution. This approach works best in treating skin & chronic health issues. Hence, it is advisable to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner in Mumbai or India.

Genital warts treatment

A very common cause of genital warty growth is infection from the virus HPV (human papilloma virus). These growths are also known as ‘Condyloma accuminata’.

The outgrowths can cause itching, pain, discomfort or even bleeding. In some cases, the pain or discomfort can be felt while having physical relationship. With such discomforts, patient search a Standard homeopathic clinic in Mumbai in Andheri, Parle, & Bandra, areas.

Areas affected

  • Genitals
  • Around the anus
  • Vagina or the cervix in female
  • Foreskin in males
  • Inside or around the anus

Genital warts treatment in homeopathy

Individualized homeopathic medicines are good even when the lesions are on genitals. They must be taken after consulting a homeopathy doctor for warts treatment. A few specific homeopathic remedies for genital warty growths are Cinnabaris, Thuja, Nitric acid, and Hepar sulph. However the selection of a remedy and its dose must be left to a professional. 

Treatment of warts on face

A wart on the face is generally of filiform type. They are narrow, long, outgrowths. Filiform growths can spread through skin contact.

A flat wart can also appear on the face. They tend to appear more on the forehead.

Tiny, black dots to large cauliflower-like outgrowths can be seen can be

Common areas affected on the face –

  • Lip corners
  • Eyelids
  • Neck & Axilla

Face and neck warts treatment in homeopathy

Growths on the face and neck can create an embarrassing situation. Owing to the cosmetic issue, few patients want immediate results. They tend to go for laser surgery, soon to find the lesions have reappeared. This brings them to look for a good homeopathy doctor in Mumbai, India.

Specific homeopathic remedies for wart on face and neck

Causticum , Dulcamara, Sepia, Calcarea carb, are a few among the many homeopathic medicines for a wart on face.

For verruca on the chin, medicines like Sepia and Thuja are specific.

For outgrowth on the nose, Causticum is a specific remedy.

For verruca on the neck, Calcarea carb, Thuja, and Silicea are good remedies.

Warts on hands, fingers, and feet

Verruca can also develop on hands, fingers, soles, and toes.

A common cause is infection. These lesions spread by touch. Hence shaking hands with a person with verruca can infect you.

The growths may itch, hurt, or even bleed.

If present on the feet they become flat due to walking.

Plantar warts treatment in homeopathy

Individualized homeopathic medicines are needed to treat multiple growths on hands & feet. This demands a proper consultation with a professional homeopath.

Self-medication by listening to videos on YouTube can prove ineffective. It can even suppress your problem and cause bigger health problems.

So it is prudent to search for a qualified homeopathic doctor near me and not a pharmacy.

Best warts treatment in homeopathy

People are aware that to get the best warts treatment, a homeopathy doctor is the first choice. However, to get the best medicine, a homeopath must study many other parameters. Aspects about the nature of your body and mind are important to cure your skin problem. This helps you get customized medication for your health issues. It is not just a specific medicine but a customized remedy. Customized remedies can improve your health holistically. A good homeopathic doctor specializes in this form of therapy in dermatology.

What to expect from a good homeopathy doctor for warts treatment

To get a customized medication from a homeopath you need to share your case history. Share the following details with our homeopathy doctor for warts treatment in Mumbai: –

  1. What and since when are your skin problems?
  2. Which areas of the skin are affected? 
  3. Which area was affected first and which was affected last?
  4. How often and when do you get a recurrence of symptoms?
  5. What is the effect of this health problem on you as a person? How does it bother you?
  6. Do you have or had any other diseases or complaints? Examples- Depression, PCOD, Migraine, etc.
  7. Details about any past illnesses? Any illnesses you have in the family?
  8. Your likes and dislikes in food, weather, bowel habits, sleeping habits, etc. 
  9. Describe your nature and stress in life to the homeopathy doctor for skin problems
  10. Describe your fears, dreams, ambitions, hobbies, etc.

At Dr. Mehta’s homeopathic clinic in Andheri, your case is taken to understand you as a person. It helps to get you a holistic medicine for long-lasting skin problem.

To get the best from our homeopathy doctor for warts treatment in Mumbai, India, share your case details.

Consult the best homeopathy doctor for warts treatment

You can consult our homeopathy doctor for warts treatment in Mumbai, India, in 2 ways – 

Consult with Dr. Mehta in the clinic

It is advisable for patients:- 

  • Who stay in Andheri, Parle, Santacruz, Bandra, or a nearby location
  • Who stays in Mumbai or near the cities of Thane, Navi Mumbai, Alibaug, Pune – Such patients can first consult in the clinic and later follow up by online video consultation. They may also take online treatment by giving their case over a video call.

Consult online with Dr. Mehta

Online treatment can be availed by video consultation with Dr. Mehta. It is recommended if you cannot visit the homeopathic clinic in Andheri West. Get online medication if you are:- 

  • Living anywhere in India in cities of Pune, Bangalore, Lucknow, Bhopal, Indore, Kolkatta, etc
  • Living in any country like the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc

For online consultation with Dr. Mehta

  • Book an appointment. 
  • For online consultation, give a video call on WhatsApp, Skype, or Zoom at the scheduled time
  • Give your case details sitting in the comforts of your home or office. 
  • You can give your future follow-ups over a video call to the clinic in Mumbai.