Consult the best homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment in Mumbai, India. Find Dr. Mehta in your search for a good homeopathy doctor for diabetes near me. Holistically treat your high blood sugar, FBS, PPBS & HbA1C, at Dr. Mehta’s Standard Homeopathy clinic in Mumbai. Dr. Chintan Mehta is a leading homeopathy doctor in India for treating high blood sugar, thyroid, PCOS, etc. He has an experience of over 24 years in holistically improving health & wellness. 

Diabetes treatment

In cities like Pune, Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, etc many patients have become diabetic. Stress, food habits, and lifestyle are major culprits to cause this health hazard. Owing to its effects on health, it is necessary to treat high FBS, PPBS, and HbA1C at the earliest. High blood sugar can affect your heart, kidneys, and brain. Hence it is important to either prevent it or manage it. Various therapies are available for pre-diabetes, gestational, Type I, or Type 2 diabetes. 

Homeopathic medicine is a very effective, holistic & natural option for high blood sugar. Pre-diabetics & diabetics search for the best homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment in India.

So, if you are a diabetic, it is best to consult an expert homeopathy doctor in Mumbai. 


Diabetes treatment in homeopathy in Mumbai India

Why do patients search for a homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment near me

A young man can become very worried if he gets a high FBS or PPBS. “I had a relative was a chornic diabetic. Initially he was on tablets but later had to take insulin. My sugar levels are high and I am worried.” say many patients. The thought that he will be a diabetic  and will have to take insulin scares him. 

“I have just been diagnosed with high blood sugar. I may have to start medications soon. Is there a treatment for diabetes in homeopathy?” ask another set of patients.

With these issues, many patients consult a homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment in India.

Why to find the best homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment near me

Patients often want to find a homeopathic clinic near me in Mumbai, India, for following reasons: –

  1. Do not want to depend on allopathic medicines
  2. Wish to not take medicines for the entire life
  3. Want to avoid taking insulin or reduce the doses of medicines
  4. Hope to cure their high blood sugar and HbA1C from the roots
  5. Fear of side effects of allopathic medicines
  6. Desire to opt for natural ways to cure high blood sugar

When to consult a homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment near me

A patient can consult a homeopath for high blood sugar at any stage of his illness: –

  • Recently diagnosed case
  • HbA1C, FBS or PPBS not coming to normal 
  • Already on allopathic medicines, metformin, insulin, etc.
  • Cases where sugar is not coming under control in the long run even after taking medications
  • Your diabetologist is on the verge of starting insulin and you want to take medicines to normalize it
  • Dose of insulin units are increasing as years pass
  • If a girl has insulin resistance due to PCOD and wants to start homeopathic medicines for PCOS.

Limitations of a homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment

In case of following emergency one must not choose to find a homeopathic clinic near me: – 

  1. Diabetic ketoacidosis
  2. Diabetic coma
  3. Hypoglycemia or sudden; fall in sugar levels
  4. Hyperglycemic coma

In such cases, it is wise to find a diabetologist, a hospital, or a general practitioner nearby. 

Diabetes treatment options in India

There are various treatment options for a diabetic patient in the medical system in India. Some of the most popular ones opted by patients in Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, and Hyderabad are: –

  1. Using allopathic medicines in tablet forms 
  2. Insulin units
  3. Home remedies 
  4. Homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment
  5. Ayurvedic medicines to reduce high sugar
  6. Yoga and naturopathy

Type 1 diabetes treatment

In this illness, the pancreas fail to secrete enough insulin. Hence your body needs to be given insulin from outside in the form of medicine.

What happens in Type 1 diabetic patients

Type 1 is believed to be due to autoimmune destruction of the pancreas. It is more common in children and youngsters. As time passes the requirement for insulin can increase. Patients, generally children, are already on insulin. Treatment options are limited. Hence, patients search for a homeopathic clinic nearby for treating type 1 diabetes.

Homeopathy for type 1 diabetes treatment

“My child is a diabetic and on insulin. Is there something in homeopathy for type 1 diabetes?” Such queries bring  many parents to Dr. Mehta’s clinic

Homeopathic medicine should be given along with insulin in this condition. Individualized homeopathic medicine taken after consulting a good homeopath can improve patient’s immunity. This helps a type 1 diabetic to fight his illness in a better way. Adding homeopathic treatment for type 1 diabetics is a wise decision. 

Type 2 diabetes treatment

It is the most common reason to find a diabetologist or a homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment.

What happens in Type 2 diabetic patients

In type 2, your body produces insulin in normal quantity in the initial stages. But, your body is not able to use this insulin to absorb glucose from the blood. It is called ‘insulin resistance’. Since the glucose remains in the blood, the report will show a high sugar level. It is seen as high FBS and high PPBS.

The body cells of a diabetic do not get the required glucose for energy. So a patient feels weak and craves sweets.

Natural ways for type 2 diabetes treatment

The following 3 natural ways to control high FBS & PPBS levels are adopted in recently diagnosed cases: –

  1. Exercise and be active
  2. Improve food habits
  3. Search for a good homeopathy doctor for diabetes in Mumbai, India

Homeopathy doctor for type 2 diabetes treatment​

Stress is known to cause and increase blood sugar. This can happen in type 2 diabetic patients. Homeopathic medicines taken from a professional can come as a savior in such cases. It is wise to consult a homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment before insulin starts.

Pre-diabetes treatment in homeopathy

Pre-diabetics have a high risk of becoming diabetic patients. Their sugar levels remain high but within normal limits. “I am on the borderline of becoming a diabetic. What should I do?” ask many patients.

What medicine should a pre-diabetic take to regulate blood sugar?

A pre-diabetic patient must take prompt measures to regulate blood sugar. But he does not need to start medicines for blood sugar from the word go. Do the following to keep your FBS & PPBS in check: –

  1. Go for regular walks and exercise
  2. Reduce intake of sweets
  3. Practice yoga
  4. Check your FB &, PPBS levels regularly

If these do not work, it is best to find a homeopath to treat pre-diabetes. Take measures to improve your metabolism.

Diabetes treatment in homeopathy

A homeopathic remedy works on certain principles. To cure your illness, a remedy that matches you must be given. This needs a proper study of your entire case.

During your appointment with Dr. Chintan Mehta, various issues are touched upon for this.

  • Stress in your life – present or past
  • How is or was your nature, and temperament?
  • Your likes, dislikes, and preferences in terms of food, drinks, weather, hobbies, etc.

This helps to get an insight into your core problems.

Medicine selected on this basis has the potential to give a great healing experience. It is a very holistic and natural way to regulate your high blood sugar. This is the benefit of consulting the best homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment in Mumbai, India.

How Dr. Mehta gives diabetes treatment in homeopathy

At his homeopathic clinic in Mumbai, Dr. Mehta you will treat your case of high blood sugar in 2 ways: –

  1. Using customized homeopathic medicines 
  2. Using specific homeopathic medicines for your high blood sugar levels

Focus is also kept on the required diet and lifestyle measures. They form an integral part of therapy.

When to consult Dr. Mehta for diabetes treatment

Following patients must consult an expert homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment: –

  1. If you are a pre-diabetic or a diabetic patient
  2. If either of your HbA1c, FBS, or PPBS are not normal
  3. If you have any other health problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sciatica, gangrene, etc
  4. If you have associated complaints like: – cough, acidity, skin itch, hives, allergy, joint pains, erectile dysfunction, etc.

Benefits of starting homeopathy treatment for diabetes

A diabetic must start homeopathic medicines for his health complaints. Following are some compelling reasons to consult a homeopath for high blood sugar: –

  1. Homeopathic remedies have no side effects
  2. Effective in treating allergy, coughs, skin itch, hives, eczema, arthritis, sciatica, etc
  3. It is good in treating psycho-somatic and hormonal diseases
  4. It is a safe system based on holistic principles of nature
  5. It helps to treat your illness and health issues from the roots
  6. It is one of the few medical systems in India that can cure you from the roots

Consult Dr. Mehta in the clinc or online for diabetes

Why start treatment for diabetes

Once you are diagnosed, it is better to consult a diabetologist or a homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment. It is your choice if you wish to consult an allopath, a naturopath, or a homeopathic doctor near me. But if you don’t take measures, this disease will affect your health. Chronic high blood sugar has the potential to cause permanent damage to your body.

Effects of high blood sugar on your health

High blood sugar can have significant effects on your health. Major organs of your body, like the heart, liver, kidney, brain, and nerves are damaged. Gradually their functions fail. Skin, joints, and eyes are also affected.

  1. Heart – Angina, Heart attack and heart failure
  2. High blood pressure
  3. High cholesterol – Increase lipids, LDL, VLDL and low HDL
  4. Kidney – CKD and kidney failure
  5. Eyes – Detachment of retina, recurring infections, and blindness
  6. Blood circulation – Gangrene
  7. Nerves – Tingling and numbness, paralysis, etc
  8. Impotence or erectile dysfunction

Other reasons to find our homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment

Many patients also consult Dr. Mehta for diabetes in Mumbai to treat these health problems: –  

  • Recurring cold, cough
  • low thyroid function or hypothyroidism
  • PCOD
  • Sciatic nerve pain, shoulder pain, arthritis,
  • Acid reflux, gas, and bloating
  • Cracked foreskin
  • Skin allergy like urticaria, itching, redness, etc

Symptoms of diabetes and its complications

Patients consulting a homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment complain of the following symptoms: –

Common symptoms used for diagnosis of high blood sugar

  1. Excessive hunger
  2. Frequent desire to pass urine
  3. Recurring skin infection, cracked skin, urine infection, boil, furuncle, etc
  4. Skin itch, allergy, and hives are also very common skin problems in diabetics.
  5. Excessive thirst

A person consulting a homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment must report these details also. It will help the homeopath choose a good medicine for your high blood sugar & its associated health problems.

Best homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment near me

If you are a diabetic, you will wish to consult the best homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment near me.

Look out for these qualities in a homeopath while you opt for one near your place: –

  1. Qualification
  2. Experience in treating chronic cases like thyroid, PCOD, arthritis, etc.
  • Is he taking your case in depth or just seeing your blood reports and prescribing

Don’t just opt for any homeopathy doctor for diabetes near me. It may not work as an effective approach. There are no best doctors & homeopaths, but yes, there are good ones. So find a good homeopath near your area, be it in Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, or any place in India.

You may also start an online consultation with Dr. Mehta if you wish to start therapy.

Allopathy or homeopathy for diabetes treatment

There is no allopathy or homeopathy if you are a diabetic or have high blood pressure.

If you are a pre-diabetic, changes in diet and exercise must be started.

If your reports indicate high FBS, PPBS, or Hba1c, start consulting a

  1. A good homeopathy doctor for diabetes near me or
  2. A diabetologist in your city in India

If the sugar levels still don’t come to normal, opt for an integrated approach. Using a combination of both, allopathic and homeopathic medicines, proves effective in many cases.

How homeopathic treatment acts in diabetes

Homeopathic medicine acts at the level of improving the body’s metabolism. It acts on the roots and is a natural way to make blood sugar normal. The aim is to improve your well-being and thereby heal you from within.

How allopathic medicines regulate high blood sugar

Allopathic medicines like metformin have a more local approach. Medicines like metformin aim to improve insulin resistance. However, metformin can have many side effects. Also, using only allopathy may not help to improve the general well-being of a person. Hence, many patients who are only on these medication ultimately require insulin injections.

A combination of the two systems, like allopathy and homeopathy, may be required. This can improve your health and functioning in a big way.

Why Dr. Chintan Mehta for diabetes treatment

Here are a few good reasons to consult Dr. Chintan Mehta for diabetes treatment in Mumbai, India.

A holistic approach to treating you

Dr. Mehta emphasizes natural and holistic ways of treating you. He also advises on inculcating appropriate diet, lifestyle, and exercises to keep you healthy and fit.

Customized and comprehensive approach

Dr. Mehta goes a step further while treating his patients. He understands the stress and emotions of a person. He is one of the few expert homeopathic doctors In India who selects homeopathic medicines based on your problems. This helps you get customized and comprehensive therapy.

Highly experienced homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment in Mumbai

Dr. Chintan Mehta has an experience of over 24 years as a homeopathy doctor in Mumbai, India. In his clinic in Mumbai, he treats various health problems related to diabetes like cough, allergy, joint pain, sciatica, red skin, etc. As a professional homeopath, he has had reasonable success in treating such cases in his center in Andheri.

Things to remember when starting diabetes treatment

  1. Be regular in taking medicines
  2. Do regular exercises
  3. Maintain good eating habits
  4. Follow your homeopath & diabetologist
  5. Opt for an integrated approach to treat high blood sugar and high Hba1c.

Don’t take your disease lightly. You may not have symptoms and still the disease is active.

Where one medical system fails, another may work and generate hope.

It is a chronic disease. So don’t be tired of trying different options.  


  1. Eat healthy and wholesome food regularly if you are a diabetic.
  2. Moderate intake of sweets
  3. Avoid artificial sweeteners and processed food
  4. Avoid oily, starchy food, cheese, butter, meat, cashew nuts and foods rich in saturated fat
  5. Consume whole grains, green leafy vegetables, cereals and pulses.

Yes. Diabetic patients may not have any symptoms or any visible health problems. Yet, if the blood sugar levels are high, you must start medication. In our experience, we have seen diabetics usually not having any complaints to begin with. But, their HbA1C and sugar levels are not normal. Hence it is advisable to start medication even if you feel there are no complaints. 

There are many ways by which a diabetic can properly reduce blood sugar. Slight modifications in lifestyle and you are on the road to live a healthy life.

  1. Maintain optimum body weight.
  2. If you are overweight or have obesity, take measures to reduce belly fat.
  3. Do not consume artificial drinks from the market to reduce belly fat or cholesterol. Opt for natural and healthier ways
  4. Go for a brisk walk daily for at least 45 minutes.
  5. Exercise to reduce weight and insulin resistance
  6. To stay calm and focused practice yoga and breathing exercises
  7. Eat healthy food and reduce your intake of sugar and unhealthy fat
  8. Stay away from white sugar and white bread
  9. Consult a homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment
  10. Be regular in taking medicines

Treating a diabetic is a dynamic phenomenon. There are ups and downs in the sugar levels. Stress levels also vary in life. Acute illnesses like cough, cold, and fever also occur. All these impact your health and blood sugar levels. Treatments have to vary accordingly.

However, there are certain set guidelines to treat high blood sugar levels.

Lifestyle measures, diet, and exercise are common to all systems of medicine in the management of high sugar.

Guidelines in allopathy for high blood sugar

Medicines like metformin are given in oral tablet form to counter insulin resistance. If this causes side effects other molecules are tried. If FBS, PPBS or Hba1c levels remain high, insulin is recommended by your GP or diabetologist.

  1. Increase the dose of ongoing allopathic medicines
  2. Change the existing allopathic medicine

Guidelines in homeopathy for high blood sugar

A proper case is taken by the expert homeopathic practitioner. This can be done in the clinic or online. Based on your history a medicine is selected. The pattern of your illness and personality are matched with the remedy pattern. If you suffer from cough, cold, or skin allergy, related remedies are given to cure it.

Yes. If you are already on allopathic medicines, do not stop them abruptly. Consult a homeopath and start taking homeopathic medicines for high FBS, and PPBS. As you improve, the doses can be modified by a healthcare professional.

Homeopathic medication may also prove helpful when allopathic medicines have stopped working. There are no side effects of homeopathic medicines.

Hence, consulting a homeopath for type 2 diabetes proves highly rewarding.

Individualized homeopathic remedies are best for managing high blood sugar. They are very beneficial in maintaining good health if you are a diabetic. Mother tinctures like Syzygium, Cephalandra indica, etc are popular homeopathic remedies used in case of high blood sugar. But the remedy needs to match with the symptoms of the patient.  These medicines wont work in all cases every time. Individualized medicines are selected based on your case history. Hence, it is necessary to find a good homeopathy doctor for diabetes treatment. 

Heal your high blood sugar from the roots