Desire to get an effective psoriasis treatment has become a pressing need. Patients want safer and cost-effective options to treat psoriatic itch, & scales. A chronic skin disease, it has a severe impact on human health and a country’s financial budget. It is considered difficult to cure or labeled as an incurable disease in the conventional medical system. Alternative medicine is giving encouraging results in treating psoriatic patches. Hence many patients are turning to holistic medical systems like homeopathy for their skincare.

 There are effective medicines that help to treat symptoms like itching & scaling. A holistic management of psoriatic itch & scaling can help improve your quality of life.

However, patients keep trying OTC products thinking them to be natural remedies. They want to find a cure for their skin, nails, and joint problems. However, there is little knowledge about the effective ways to cure psoriatic patches.

Psoriasis Treatment – Effective options to Treat Itch Scales & Psoriatic patches

Need for effective psoriasis treatment

Home remedies are readily available to treat itching & scaling. However, many of these OTC drugs & home remedies fail the test of time and flare-ups keep coming. Shampoos, soaps, and lotions have temporary effects if any. Hence, the search for holistic options to treat skin patches continues.

What patients forget is that psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. It needs to be managed professionally. Hence, one must first consult a dermatologist, a homeopath, or an Ayurveda specialist. The medical system may not have a definite cure but they are well equipped to treat it.   

This article aims to bring awareness about effective options for psoriasis treatment. What helps best in treating the itch & red scaly lesions effectively needs to surface.

Psoriasis treatment options to treat itch and psoriatic scales

What if Psoriatic itch & scales are not treated

If not treated, psoriatic patches can spread to other areas of the skin. Even joints and nails are affected.


A patient will have the following complaints: –  

  1. Red, scaly patches on the skin surface
  2. Silvery scales cover the lesions
  3. Skin sheds in scales if scratched
  4. Dandruff is severe in scalp lesions
  5. Itching may be very severe
  6. Skin becomes dry
  7. Psoriatic arthritis leads to severe joint pain and swelling
  8. Scales are deposited under the nails
  9. Nails may break

Parts affected

  1. Scalp
  2. Face
  3. Neck & Back
  4. Belly
  5. Hands and legs
  6. Thighs
  7. Forearms

Psoriasis treatment by Skin doctor

The treatment of a dermatologist or skin doctor is based on the diagnosis. The first challenge is to differentiate psoriatic lesions from eczema.

Once diagnosed, the therapy now relies on the stage and extent of skin lesions. Also the involvement of joint and nails is to be considered.

Treatment options given by dermatologist for initial stages

Dermatologists prefer treating the initial stages with ointments containing steroids. If the itching is severe, medicine to counter the itch is given.

Psoriasis treatment options for severe itch and scales

Once advanced, a skin specialist may use

  • Medicines containing steroids
  • Retinoid creams are used
  • In severe cases, where there are extensive lesions & scaling, Methotraxate may be used.
  • Biologics and UV therapy are also used in resistant cases.

Limitations in allopathy for treating psoriatic patches

  1. Medications are full of harmful side effects 
  2. The possibility of flare-ups cannot be ruled out even after these medications
  3. Immunity may get suppressed 
  4. Few medicines are very costly  
  5. They may not prove effective in all cases
  6. The effect is local and not on the person’s tendencies

Psoriasis treatment in homeopathy

Homeopathy is fast becoming popular in the treatment of psoriatic itching & scaling. It is the leading alternative medicine preferred by psoriatic patients. The limitations in conventional medicine, make many patients approach our homeopathic clinic for psoriasis.

Specific homeopathic medicines for psoriasis treatment

Homeopathic literature has a plethora of medicines for psoriatic itching and scaling. There are many specific medicines to treat skin diseases. A few examples are: –

  1. Graphites
  2. Petroleum
  3. Calcarea carb
  4. Sulphur
  5. Chrysarobinum
  6. Psorinum
The list is long. 

There are remedies for particular symptoms as well. A few examples are: –

  1. Itching worse at night – Mezereum, Staphisagria, Silicea, Merc sol, etc.
  2. Itching worse after bathing – Dulcamara, Sulphur, Clematis, Calcarea carb
  3. Itch with constipation, diabetes, or cough
  4. Psoriatic patches recurring every winter – Rhus tox, Psorinum, etc
  5. Scaling from the scalp in the form of dandruff

Effective solution to treat psoriasis in homeopathy

Every patient with psoriasis is different. Each has an expression unique to himself. This is where customized homeopathic medicines become effective.  

Personalized therapy is the domain of a specialist homeopathy doctor. A good homeopathic doctor for psoriasis will study your case in greater depth. It involves a proper interview with the patient suffering.

Psoriasis is known to worsen with stress. A genetic trait is also seen. A good homeopathic practitioner will study your nature and temperament.  Minute aspects of your stress and disease modalities are considered. 

This helps you get a customized treatment for your skin and joint lesions. 

Why treat psoriasis with customized homeopathic medicines

Homeopathic medicines thus chosen have a profound & positive effect on your health.

  • There are no side effects
  • They help improve your well-being overall health in the long run
  • Very cost-effective compared to other systems of medicine
  • It helps to heal the itching and scaling from the roots.
  • Even flare-ups and advanced lesions can be managed
  • Has shown effects on psoriatic arthritis and nail problems
  • Good option for managing cases where underlying stress is present

Get Customized Psoriasis treatment in Homeopathy

Psoriasis treatment in Ayurveda

Panchkarma is the mainstay in Ayurveda for treating itching & scaling. Primarily, it involves cleansing the body from toxins.

Panchkarma for itching & scaling

It includes the following: –  

  1. Ingesting ghee in large quantities. The ghee is mixed with several herbs and given to consume.
  2. Body massage follows ghee ingestion.
  3. In the end, vomiting or purgation is induced. This helps to bring the toxins out of the body. 
  4. Shirodhara – Herbal decoctions are poured over the head. It can help soothe scalp lesions.
  5. Food restrictions – It’s an integral part of Ayurvedic therapy. Ayurveda practitioners recommend avoiding milk consumption with citrus fruits, fish, and curd.
  6. Stop alcohol and smoking. 
  7. Avoid excessive consumption of spices, salty food, and pickles.

Home remedies for psoriasis treatment

Many home remedies can help manage psoriatic itching & scaling. Research has proved the effectiveness and limitations of these measures. Some of these are: –

  1. Turmeric
  2. Aloe vera
  3. Honey
  4. Glycerine
  5. Yoga and meditation

Effectiveness of home remedies for psoriatic itch & scales

  1. They are natural and do not have toxic effects on body organs
  2. Help to overcome skin dryness
  3. Act as an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant
  4. Help reduce psoriatic itching, scaling, and redness

How to know if psoriasis treatment is effective

As a patient you must know if the medicines are helping you or know. Medical research uses PASI  to determine if the psoriasis treatment is effective or no. For nail psoriatic lesions, NPASI score is used. Besides the itch and scaling, mental health also needs to be seen.

PASI score helps to know the severity and area affected by psoratic patches. Following has to be looked at when assessing the  severity of lesions and effectiveness of therapy for psoriasis

  1. Reduction in intensity of itch 
  2. Reduction in intensity of scaling
  3. Assessment of areas affected with patches
  4. Thickness of patches


The SF-36 scoring also includes mental health and social functioning. 

Therapies like homeopathy help to improve the mental health of a patient. A holistic approach is required for emotional wellbeing. 

Conclusion – Effective option for psoriasis treatment

There are several effective options to manage itching and scaling of skin. But first, be aware that psoriasis can be treated. So do not get depressed or anxious thinking it is incurable. Conventional and alternative medicines, both, have their unique options to manage this disease. Take help from a professional or specialist to treat psoriatic itching and scaling. You can try home remedies, but only after consulting a doctor. Homeopathy can help you get clear skin without side effects. It is the most cost-effective therapy available in present times. Ayurveda helps to remove toxins from your body. Many medications for nail and joint lesions exist. Hence, don’t lose hope. 

Get effective Psoriasis treatment